3.10 - Future Publishing? part 1

Tom Hunter (Award Administrator for the Arthur C. Clarke Award for Science Fiction Literature) chairs a panel on the future of publishing in the digital age: The publishing industry is coming under assault from all sides. Are Kindles, iPads and smartphones signalling the end of traditional paper publishing? How will the publishing industry re-shape itself for 2050? Panelists include: Paul Graham-Raven, a freelance writer and reviewer and editor-in-chief of the near-future science fiction webzine Futurismic; Paul Rainey, cartoonist and creator of serialised web and print comics Book of Lists and There’s No Time Like The Present; novelist Gary Gibson (Nova War / Stealing Light); Dave Bradley, Editor-in-Chief of SFX magazine. (part 1 of 2) Recorded live at Sci-Fi London 9, Apollo Piccadilly Cinema, Spring 2010 (more info here)