3.14 - Virtual Worlds on Film

Virtual worlds on the big screen vary from the most escapist to the increasingly relevant and in this episode of Sci-Fi London's podcast we look at two very different representations of these on screen. Alex Fitch talks to Nicolas Alberny and Jean Mach, the directors of Eighth Wonderland, a film about a virtual community declaring themselves to be a new country with rights and influence on the rest of the world, and the agit-prop antics of the members of this virtual country on film proved prophetic compared to recent events in the Middle East and demonstrations on the streets of London. Also, we have an extract from the Tron: Legacy press conference in which director Joseph Kosinski, stars Jeff Bridges and Olivia Wilde and others talk about their sequel to a VR film classic. (More info at www.8thwonderland.com and www.disney.co.uk/tron)