NEWS: We have WILL ROCKALL and JOHN SELLINGS, from the special effects team joining us for a Q&A after the screening.
One hundred years after Kafka wrote his famous novella Metamorphosis, about a traveling salesman who wakes up one morning, after disturbing dreams, to find himself transformed into a giant insect-like creature, is brought to the big screen by debut director Chris Swanton.
In this delicately crafted film, Gregor the bug (with voice by Paul Thornley) is surrounded and supported by a fine cast of British actors, notably Robert Pugh as the baffled father; Maureen Lipman as the fearful, but devoted mother; and Lara Rees as the violin-playing sister who grows impatient with her transformed sibling.
This surreal symbolist tale addresses many questions about our existence.
Dont miss this special preview of the final cut of this movie ahead of its release - we are very proud to be screening it.