The Cabin in the Woods

Cabin in the Woods
Being a film critic, or film reviewer (there’s a subtle difference) is sometimes seen as an enviable and glamorous job, and judging by the number of people at some of the “press” screenings there is no shortage of people who want to watch movies and express an opinion about them. The reality is, the job is something of a folly because most of the time we are at the mercy of the marketing machinery that surrounds a film. Lazy writers will take the synopsis (not necessarily verbatim) from the production notes and tack an opinion on to the end of it (often without any explanation or justification for their opinion). Smarter writers (film critics) will look at the films themes, discuss them as well as offer analysis of the film’s craftsmanship. This is getting harder to do with many of the Hollywood studio films, that lack any depth of story or character.
Cabin in the Woods
Every now and again a film like The Cabin in the Woods comes along that confounds film writers. The brilliance of its conceit and execution means that it is almost impossible to talk about without giving away massive spoilers. Even discussing the ideas and concepts it engenders will have the same effect. It is safe to say that at its base, as the title suggests, it is a stereotypical American teen slasher movie, except with Joss Whedon producing and co-writing you know it is going to be anything but. Co-written and directed by Buffy alumni Drew Goddard, and featuring a host of familiar faces from the Whedonesque universe, it subverts the horror genre in the same way that Buffy did, and Firefly refreshed the sci-fi western.

All it leaves to be said is: it is very funny without making fun of the genre; clever, without being cerebral and scary, and gory, without being distastefully brutal. Even if, like me, you are not a fan of horror films you have to see this. It is the most fun you will ever have at a horror movie. It may sound cliched, but you really can expect the unexpected.

The Cabin in the Woods is in cinemas now.

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