Pop-up festival at EXP

Each April/May we hold our annual film festival.   We show fantastic films, do some talks and sideshows and generally have a good time.  But then we have to wait a year until we do it again.

We have had a few mini-events that we called Octoberfest, but these were just mini versions of the main festival.   Something different is called for!

We want to meld literature, comics, gaming and film together in a non-cinema venue.  Play some table-top games, rant about TV and Film, watch lots of shorts, drink and disrupt... with us?

We have teamed up with the guys at EXP (www.expleisure.com) and are taking their amazing old factory over for a few days.   From Fri 3 November we have a three-day science fiction...well, all things SF.

Full programme coming soon but details can be found here - and of course, your ideas are welcome... just drop us a note via facebook or twitter is there is something you want to do or see.


photo of swan wharf, exp fish island


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