ZX Spectrum Creator Gets a Raspberry Pie

zx spectrum raspberry pi

In recognition of the huge influence the ZX SPECTRUM computer has had on an entire generation in the creative and scientific fields, in the UK and beyond, SCI-FI-LONDON will honour Clive Sinclair’s invention in a light-hearted ceremony on Saturday, MAY 5TH, 2012 at 12noon at London’s BFI Southbank.

The birthday cake (baked to a bespoke recipe by Gordon Ramsey’s former pastry chef, Beth Watts) will be presented as part of HORIZONS: A CELEBRATION OF THE 30TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ZX SPECTRUM, the festival’s weekend-long FREE event, at the BFI South Bank.

The little machine that plugged into the living room telly will be honoured in a rich blend of fun, memories, and future-gazing. Visitors who were there the first time round will be able to play some of their favourite games and share their memories, whilst the generation who are only just beginning to scratch the surface behind their software can road-test the new RASPBERRY PI.

These innovative new computers are currently like gold-dust as demand has far exceeded supply. They are credit-card sized computers which also plug into your TV and a keyboard. The inventors want to see them being used by children all over the world to learn programming – a very hot topic of educational debate currently.

Speakers and performers over the two days, include:


Louis Savy, Festival Director for SCI-FI-LONDON says: “As well as screening great science fiction, we are also serious about promoting science fact. Where one meets the other is where all the fun happens. The 30th birthday of the ZX Spectrum gives us an opportunity to promote the best in computing innovation today as well as celebrating the halcyon days of Sir Clive’s ground-breaking machine. We hope people will enter into the spirit of the weekend and come along to the BFI to play. We’re hoping the next little Sinclair will find her way to the Southbank and have a go on a Raspberry Pi.”

Paul Squires, for Imperica, producers of the events says: “We're delighted to be working with SCI-FI-LONDON and the BFI on this celebration of one of the greatest machines – and greatest eras – of British computing. It helped to form and shape the career of many of the UK's creative and technical leaders, and continues to enjoy a lively, vibrant 'retrogaming' scene. With the Raspberry Pi, it's great to see this 'homebrew' culture coming back. Horizons is very much a celebration of the Spectrum and what it gave to us, and given that the event is free, we are looking forward to a well-attended and enjoyable two days.”

About Imperica: Imperica (www.imperica.com) is an online magazine which mashes up a range of creative disciplines: advertising, media, art, technology, and digital culture. The site focusses on people, their views, and conversations. It takes an intellectually and editorially robust approach to where and how these disciplines are both changing and converging. The magazine is published by Perini.

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  • Dylan Smith: demonstrating the amazing Spectrum-to-Twitter client
  • Saul Metzstein: director of BBC film Micro Men discusses his influences from the golden age of 80s computing
  • Matt Westcott: running the Chiptune music workshop – how to make music with the Spectrum
  • Dr Bill Marshall of RS Components demonstrates the workings of the Raspberry PI.
  • Matthew C. Applegate: the musician, teacher, and author on how the Spectrum gave birth to a generation of programmers
  • MJ Hibbett: performing Hey Hey 16k and other evocative songs!

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