Sci-Fi Comics Panel

SF Comics

In the two most recent episodes of Reality Check, the Sci-Fi London podcast, we're proud to present the audio from an hour long panel about the links between Science Fiction comics and literature from this year's Spring Film Festival.

In part one - episode 2.21 - Alex Fitch talks to four practitioners of Science-Fiction comic books about their work.

These include Paul Cornell (Captain Britain and MI-13 / Doctor Who), Bryan Talbot (Grandville / The Adventures of Luther Arkwright), Daniel Merlin Goodbrey (Iron Man 2020) and Paul Duffield (Freakangels).

SF Comics
 Alex discusses with the panel about whether comics are an underrated way of telling SF stories, the history of serialised literature and the probable future of the medium via the internet.

In the second half of the podcast - episode 2.22 - members of the audience question the four comic creators on the panel...

...and ask about the future of comics post Google digitization, their influences from SF literature and the cross-over between different audiences such as people who read 'indie' comics and 'mainstream' super-hero titles...

For more info about all the episodes of Reality check available to download, please visit our podcast page, or to listen to the two podcasts above.

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