Coming Soon from Nintendo

Predominantly known for great family titles with bright colours and iconic characters, Nintendo took a leap into the future when it announced WiiU at this year’s E3, which promises to cater for all gamers including hard core and will play host to a range of AAA titles. Before that though, there’s plenty of cracking titles to get stuck in to. SFL headed over to Nintendo’s showcase to see what we’ll all be enjoying over the coming months and here’s what’s on our want list:

StarFox 64 3D

3DS Starfox
With re-mastered graphics, gyro sensor controls, a fresh new script and some brilliant multiplayer options, it’s a welcome return for this Sci-Fi classic. For those of you either not old enough to remember or with short term memories, back in 1993, StarFox was the first 3D perspective game on the SNES and was followed in 1997 by StarFox 64 - a scrolling interstellar shooter on the N64 that was the first game that came with the mighty rumble pak! Starring Fox McCloud and his trusty wingmen Peppy Hare, Slippy Toad and Falco Lombardi, we once again can pilot Fox’s signature Arwing Starfighter as he battles to save his home planet of Corneria and hopefully take down evil space monkey boss Andross. First impressions are it looks incredible with more detail and texture than we were expecting (the lava world is particularly spectacular) yet it all feels familiar so fans of all ages will be happy. We played with the gyroscope controls, which allows you to steer simply by tilting the 3DS. Using the gyro is optional though combined with the 3D screen it adds a fab new dimension to flying through space as judging distance and manoeuvring is satisfyingly slicker than ever before. Being able to use the inner 3DS camera to share the live reactions of your opponent’s faces as you totally destroy them during multiplayer battles is a nice touch but don’t forget they can see your face too so try not to cry if you get taken down. Add power ups to the party and StarFox 64 3D is a sci-fi blast, barrel rolling through the Lylat. Release date: 9th September on 3DS

Super Mario 3D Land

3DS Super Mario 3
He’s back and we’re immediately reminded of everything that makes Mario great. A heady mix of Mario’s greatest hits, this looks like Super Mario 64 with bright, colourful 3D levels to run around and explore combined with green pipes, coin blocks (which are easier to bump thanks to the depth from the 3DS), moving cloud platforms and spiky balls on chains. However you can forget roaming around, as there’s a time limit and the instantly recognisable flagpole at the end of the level as immortalised in the original side scrolling Super Mario Bros to contend with. Chuck in the Super Mario Bros 3 Tanooki suit that allows you to glide and spin your tail into mushroom headed enemies (though no statue abilities this time round) and it promises to be the best Mario game ever made for on the go gamers. Levels are quickly over but there’s a lot to do within them from collecting giant comet coins to finding hidden paths (though you’ll need to grow and shrink to get everywhere). There are no surprises here - even the baddies are chiefly old foes with appearances from the whole Super Mario back catalogue though we do like the new Piranha plant that spits ink at the screen to obscure your view. Yet despite not appearing to deliver anything new, it feels fresh, original and is a title all 3DS owners should look forward to. Staunch Mario fans and newcomers to the series will love it whilst those that perhaps don’t get over excited about rescuing peachy princesses time and time again won’t be able to resist the charm and appeal of all things Mario in 3D. Release date: November 2011 on 3DS

Luigi’s Mansion 2

3DS Luigis Mansion 2
A direct sequel to the excellent Luigi’s Mansion on the Gamecube, this outshone every game at the party – not just thanks to Luigi’s torch. Under the guidance of his old sidekick Professor E. Gadd, Luigi once again straps on his Poltergust 5000 as he enters the courtyard of a giant haunted mansion, silhouetted against flashes of lightning. Right from the start, this game looks stunning with loads of detail and creepy charm. Armed with a vacuum cleaner backpack ready to suck up any ghosts hiding in the shadows, Luigi’s Mansion 2 makes the very best of all the 3DS’s capabilities as you can use the gyroscope and accelerometer to assist you in peeking through windows or aiming your vacuum nozzle at dust sheets, pulling them off old cabinets and tabletops, extinguishing candles and even making flowers bloom to reveal surprises. Each location is beautifully designed with plenty to explore in both the fore and background. Essentially your mission is to rid the house of ghosts. You can blind them with a flash of your torch to stop them in their tracks before turning the Hoover on them but prepare to be dragged around by some of the beefier ghouls! The balance between trembling and tiptoeing through the mansion and full on frantic ghost sucking is what makes this exciting, innovative and most of all fun. Those with fond memories of the quality and humour of the original title will be happy whilst 3DS owners will feel this is the game that will finally make the system sing. If you don’t have a 3DS – make sure you get one in time for this game when it’s released next year.

Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

At the risk of showing our age, Zelda has always been a firm fave of ours with Skyward Sword (which will serve as a prequel to the events witnessed in the Ocarina of Time) shaping up to be the biggest game in the series yet. As we played, the onscreen Sword and Wiimote became one as which ever direction you swing, slash or hack, Link instantly responds with exact mirroring and mesmerising precision which is very useful as this time round, the enemies are also way more savvy and have their own tactics. Watching, analyzing and thinking about the battle to pin point weaknesses or time your blows is crucial, challenging and thrilling. You can also use your sword as a metal detector and dig up hidden items with your gauntlets whilst the nunchuk brings up maps and access to additional weapons like bombs and arrows. Solving puzzles and battling enemies in dark dungeons or cloud cities in the sky, the colours are warm and there’s a giant bird to fly – the whole affair is thrilling! As 2011 is Zelda’s 25th anniversary, Nintendo are releasing a limited edition pre-order bundle consisting of a copy of the game, a CD featuring orchestral arrangements from the series that will be performed as a part of the Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Symphony performance plus a mega rare golden Wii Remote Plus controller bearing the Hylian Crest. Release date: 18th November on Wii.

We also got chance to get hands on with Sonic Generations on the 3DS. It’s uber fast, bright and is a mix of old school retro greatness with new courses that really flip and blur the perspective around whilst Resident Evil: Revelations also on the 3DS is dark and claustrophobic with a maze of doors hiding blood curdling zombies. It looks great and is the best Resi title we’ve seen on a handheld.

3DS Xenoblade

Finally, we checked out the JPRG Xenoblade Chronicles which is out now on the Wii with its beautiful, epic and picturesque landscapes that you can freely roam (even if it means falling off a cliff), engaging story line featuring a giant sword to wield against the powerful Mechon army and a strong battle system. Overall, though they’re not all Sci-Fi related, there’s no denying that there are some quality titles to look forward to from Nintendo this season. Game on!


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