The ideological square-off between religion and science is here to stay... or is it? Perhaps the dichotomy is a falsehood, and everyone will learn to live and let live. Or perhaps faith will become the fracture point of an energy-hungry civilization, a warring sphere of philosophies.
What will we believe in 2050? Is believing that others should act according to our beliefs the fault that unites the two sides of the argument?
Chair: Paul Graham Raven
- Andrew Copson became Chief Executive of the British Humanist Association after five years’ coordinating their education and public affairs work. He has written on humanist and secularist issues for numerous publications.
- Steve Fuller is Professor of Sociology at the University of Warwick. He actively debates evolution and creationism on both sides of the Atlantic. His latest book is Science: The Art of Living.
- China Miéville is a two-time winner of the prestigious Arthur C. Clarke Award and the British Fantasy Award. The City & The City, an existential thriller, was published in 2009 to dazzling critical acclaim and drew comparison with the works of Kafka, Orwell and Phillip K. Dick.
- Ruth Gledhill has been religious affairs correspondent for The Times, London for 21 years where she also writes the blog, Articles of Faith. She joined the paper in 1987 as a news reporter.