
When Marnie Was There

When Marnie Was There

Studio Ghibli's When Marnie Was There is out now on Blu-ray and DVD.


Win Blu-Ray player

Win a LG Smart 3D Blu-Ray player and a Blu-Ray copy of Frankenstein (2015)

Game of Thrones | Sci-fi-London

GoT steel?

If there is one thing that winds up Blacksmiths it's inaccuracy.  Get the lowdown here...

Win Godzilla on Blu-ray

Win the monster epic Godzilla on Blu-ray™. Available to buy on October 27.



A sci-fi, post-apocalyptic, alien invasion show that isn't about destruction and constant war, which is a pleasant change.


Zombieland Blu-ray

Zom-rom-com American style.