
Guardians of the Galaxy - Artwork

Guardians of the Galaxy

The latest offereing from Marvel could be their most enjoyable since the original Iron Man says Martin Jensen.

Extant - Halle Berry


A new sci-fi series, starring Halle Berry, starts tonight on Amazon Prime. Martin Jensen caught the pilot episode at BAFTA. 

ecko rising

Win Ecko Rising Audiobook

Win a copy of Danie Ware's epic debut novel Ecko Rising on audiobook from Audible UK.

Marie Brennan

GUEST POST - Author, Marie Brennan

Author, Marie Brennan, guest posts at SCI-FI-LONDON in support of her new book The Tropic of Serpents.

London Anime & Gaming Con

London Anime and Comic Con 5th-6th July

There are two things you need to know about London Anime and Gaming Convention!

First: It's an anime and gaming con!...
